Wednesday 27 January 2010

Richard's Character Profile

Richard is very sly and cunning. He is portrayed in our trailer as being a psychopath, almost with a split personality and is very good at lying at it has been his profession for his entire life; Lawyer.

Richard was born on 19th March 1982. His childhood was traumatic and he was frequently beaten by his mother as a result of her alcohol dependency. This left him emotionally scarred as he grew into a violent teenager and began fighting back.

His tragic youth led him into a life of crime and soon he became Criminal Lawyer at the age of 23. He often spent his days defending criminals who had been convicted for awful and disgusting crimes, and soon he began accepting the mindset that he finds "right". Very early in his life he became involved in various crimes and drug-taking, which forced him to obtain a more aggressive mentality.

By the age of 25, he was obsessed with sadism and inflicting pain on those he loved. His pleasure was to brainwash women to fall in love with him and torture them through months of pain. He spent his 5 month wedding anniversary chopping off his wife’s fingers and force feeding them to her.

A year went by and Richard grew more and more sadistic and after his second marriage, his new wife discovered blood stains in his brand new car and threatened to call the police. Soon after, she mysteriously disappeared and was never found.

His third marriage was even more brutal. For 10 months, Richard found pleasure by peeling off his new wife’s skin and dousing petrol in her wounds. Often he tied his wife underneath his car and drove around town with her hands and knees dragging on the floor. The only thing found of his third wife was her liver, chopped up into pieces and thrown into the local lake.

Shortly after his 27th birthday, Richard was arrested after an officer looked into his case and found it highly suspicious. He spent 2 days in the county bail custody and was soon released on bail due to lack of evidence, but was warned not to leave the area. Richard, having been a Criminal Lawyer, was very aware of his rights and decided to go to an unpredictable area where he would be able to legally marry the “woman of his sadistic dreams” and not be forced to go back to prison.


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